Things to bring to the Practical Class

  • Eye protection (If you don’t wear glasses).
    (You can find eye protection at any gun shop, WalMart, BuyMart, or Sportsman’s Warehouse, etc.)

  • Bring ear protection (Both foam earplug and earmuff protection recommended for first time shooters.)  Electronic earmuffs allow you to hear voice but protect from loud noise.

  • Bring baseball cap.

  • Bring layers of warm clothes if Fall/Winter/Spring.  We can shoot indoors if we have to, but shooting outside is so much nicer.  The indoor range can be cold too.

  • Bring any handguns you own if you like.  Be sure to bring ammo as I may not have your caliber.  (Bring them unloaded and leave them in their case until you check in with me.)


