Learn How To Shoot
Confidently & Safely


Phase 1: Classroom

Learn the basics of handgun operation and safety.

Begin with the NRA Basic Pistol course. This is very thorough and will prepare you for the next phase in which you develop muscle memory for safe shooting with realistic pellet guns that shoot plastic pellets. The instructor will highlight material that is important to remember, which is a very small handful of things.

Location: Vancouver, WA

1st Monday of every month from 6-9 p.m.

Phase 2: Pellet Guns

No recoil; no noise. Very easy to operate.

Developing good muscle memory for safe gun handling skills is extremely important, and using pellet guns allows you to develop these skills without the noise and recoil of live ammo. These skills are transferrable to guns that fire live ammo. We meet in a local facility and shoot at paper targets in a safe environment.

Location: Vancouver, WA

2nd Tuesday of every month from 6-9 p.m.

Phase 3: Live Ammo

You're well prepared for live ammo now.

Meet with your instructor at a local gun club and shoot a variety of semi-automatic pistols and revolvers in a variety of calibers. With the muscle memory you’ve developed in the previous phase, you will quickly learn to be a confident shooter.

Location: Private Gun Club in Vancouver, WA

2 hours – One-on-one by appointment

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    When are these classes?

    • Phase 1: Classroom—1st Monday of every month from 6-9 p.m.
    • Phase 2: Pellet Gun—2nd Tuesday of every month from 6-9 p.m.
    • Phase 3: Live Ammo—One-on-one by appointment.
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    What if I have questions?
    Please contact us for a free consultation.  We will answer all your questions and cater to all special requests whenever possible.  Most people come to this course quite nervous, but all leave having had fun.  You will become a confident shooter.

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    What about concealed carry?
    This course qualifies you for all education requirements for concealed carry permits.  If you intend to get your concealed carry permit, please do let me know and I can advise what county sheriff’s office you should contact.  It’s a very easy process.

  1. Shooting is very relaxing, very cathartic, and a fun sport to share with friends.
  2. Handguns can be used for self defense, and often, just the display of a handgun will end a dangerous situation.  (We teach you the relevant laws that apply.)

We start with pellet guns which have zero recoil and are very quiet.  You can learn all safe gun handling skills with a pellet gun. The skills are 100% transferrable to a real handgun. In Phase 3, we begin with the lightest ammo available for handguns, 22LR. And only when you are completely comfortable do we move into more popular handgun calibers such as 9MM.

There are 3 Phases

  1. Classroom or Online “book knowledge.”
    You have a choice of learning about handguns and shooting in a classroom setting or online.  You can even do both or switch from online to classroom.  There is a test if you would like to receive a certificate which is acceptable for concealed carry requirements.
  2. Pellet Guns
    You will develop muscle memory for safe gun handling skills with negligible noise or recoil.  After the basic instruction, you will pair up with another student and take turns coaching one another while the other shoots. By alternating shooting with coaching and observing, you will learn far more quickly and develop muscle memory far more effectively.
  3. Live Ammo
    This optional phase is conducted at a local private gun club and is limited to two students at a time.  You will schedule this time upon completing of the first two phases.  You will have developed the muscle memory for safe gun handling skills, so this will feel very familiar, if a bit noisier.

Yes, you will learn the following:

  1. Holster alternatives
  2. Self defense legal issues
  3. Alternatives to guns for self defense
  4. How to apply for a concealed carry permit
  5. Where you can and cannot carry a firearm (Oregon & Washington)

Being Defenseless is Unacceptable

Ease into shooting

  • Start with plastic gun replicas.
  • Move up to pellet guns.
  • Move up to 22 caliber, very light recoil.
  • Optionally proceed to .380, 9mm, .45 ACP, .38 Special, to .375 Magnum.

Clergy Shoot FREE in June

  • Use Coupon Code “Free”

Request more information

Contact Preference(Required)
Why are you interested in handgun safety instruction?

What To Expect

  • Phase 1 — Classroom Session: The classroom portion is done in a meeting room of a local gun club.  The NRA online curriculum is very thorough.
  • Phase 2 — Pellet Gun:  We meet in a large hall where we learn safe handgun skills with pellet guns.  There’s no recoil and hardly any noise.  This prepares you well for shooting live ammo.
  • Phase 3 — Live Ammo: Everything will feel very familiar; it’s just a bit noisier and there’s some recoil.  You will shoot 22LR, which is very lightweight ammo. This is the smallest caliber available for handguns.  In other words, we ease into shooting live ammo.

That’s the most fun I’ve ever had!

Lisa C.

It was great to be able to shoot so many guns.

Mike J.

I love shooting!

Mayu T.

Being Defenseless is Unacceptable

You have a right to be able to defend yourself and your family. There is no need to be defenseless. Refuse to be a victim.

With the right to defend yourself is the responsibility to know the laws.
See handgunlaw.us/states/washington.pdf and https://handgunlaw.us/states/oregon.pdf


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Crime is at Unacceptable Levels

Oregon statistics above

Washington statistics to the left